Chicago Tribune 1897
The Chicago Tribune
July 10, 1897
Fathers Greenbaum of St. Nicholas, Evanston, and Tolton of St. Monica’s, the Victims
The Rev. Father Otto Greenbaum, pastor of St. Nicholas’ German Catholic Church, Evanston, died at his parochial residence in Ridge Avenue, Evanston, at 11 a.m. yesterday of heart failure, induced by the excessive heat. He had been expecting to leave shortly for his old home in Germany for his health, and Archbishop Feehan only last Saturday had ordained an assistant to take charge of the parish during his absence. The funeral will be held on Monday at St. Nicholas Church. Interment will be at Calvary.
Father Greenbaum came to America in 1874 and to Evanston in 1890, when he was ordained priest of St Nicholas’ parish. He then founded the St. Nicholas parochial school, which under his direction has grown until at present it enrolls over 200 students. He was making preparations for a new building at Ridge avenue and Washington street.
The Rev. August Tolton, pastor of St Monica’s Colored Roman Catholic Church, Thirty-sixth and Dearborn streets, died at Marcy Hospital at 8:30 p.m., a victim of the intense heat. He was prostrated at Thirty-sixth street and Ellis avenue, only a short distance from his home, which is at 448 Thirty-sixth street. He was about to make several calls in his parish just before noon. He was seen to reel and then fall heavily to the sidewalk. Several men rushed to his assistance and removed him to a cool spot, where everything possible was done to relieve him until the arrival of the Stanton avenue police patrol, which removed him to Mercy Hospital.
Father Tolton was one of the foremost clergymen of the Catholic Church in this part of the country, and was remarkably popular. He was 46 years old, and had been identified with the church for many years. The funeral services will be held at St. Monica’s Church tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be on Monday.